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Terms and Conditions

  1. The "Company" means CAW Secretarial Services.

  2. A written quote, detailing your requirements, can be provided upon request.  Before undertaking any assignment the Company requires Company Name (if applicable), full name, postal address, contact numbers and email address for correspondence and invoicing.

  3. An invoice will be issued on completion of each assignment and invoices must be paid strictly within 14 days of the date of the invoice.

  4. Payment can be made by cash (any payments by cash will be receipted), by cheque in £ sterling (payable to CAW Secretarial Services) or BACS (bank details will be provided).  VAT is not applicable.

  5. Charges incurred for the processing of a returned cheque will be the responsibility of the client.

  6. The client is responsible for final proofreading.  Any errors brought to the Company's attention within 24 hours will be amended free of charge.  Any other additions or amendments  to an agreed assignment will incur an additional charge to be agreed prior to the commencement of any work.  The Company cannot be held responsible for damage to any media whilst in transit.

  7. The Company reserves the right to hold information relevant to customers in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988.  This information may be stored on a computerised database and/or in paper format, which will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used internally by the Company, unless otherwise stated.

  8. Disbursements including stationery, telephone calls, emails, scanning, copying and postage will be charged separately.  Postage will be charged at the current Royal Mail postage rates.

  9. No work will be undertaken, which is considered illegal, immoral or offensive.

  10. If payments are overdue, a reminder will be sent.

  11. The Company is able to issue a confidentiality agreement, based on agreed terms and conditions, or sign your own confidentiality agreement if required.  

  12. The Company will complete work promptly and to agreed deadlines subject to circumstances beyond the Company's control.

  13. Back-up copies of clients work will be held by CAW Secretarial Services for a period of 3 years, after which time the files will be deleted.

  14. All work remains the property of the Company until payment is received in full.

  15. The Company reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time.


© CAW Secretarial Services 2009 - last updated April 2020, All Rights Reserved

All content, logos and design are trademarks of CAW Secretarial Services

Data Protection Act 1988 Registration Number: Z2090296.

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